I have it on my wallpaper now. Love it. Can adjust the sounds of the wallpaper musics as well as the effects individually, both as wallpaper and screen saver. Very realistic looking except for when the water washes over the conch seashell. There should be bubbles or the water should be going around it instead of through it. You guys really should have just not let the water go up to it at all, the water also doesn’t look very real when going over the tree roots that are sticking up out of the sand. Again, if you had just limited the water washing up you could have avoided this altogether, a really simple adjustment, but it’s all good. I still enjoy it. Would have really knocked mysocks off if you had just limited the water waves so they wouldn’t go up to the shell and tree roots.
OmGuruLianShenSiddhiHum about Sandy Beach 3D